Elevate Your Breakfast Game: 5 Tips for Creamier Oats That Will Make Your Mornings Magical

Elevate Your Breakfast Game: 5 Tips for Creamier Oats That Will Make Your Mornings Magical

There's something undeniably comforting about a warm bowl of creamy oats to kickstart your day. But let's face it – not all oatmeal is created equal. If you find yourself in the unfortunate camp of lackluster, gluey oats, fear not! We've got you covered with five game-changing tips that will transform your breakfast bowl into a velvety, dreamy delight.

**1. ** Choose the Right Oats: The Foundation of Creaminess

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty details, let's talk oats. The type of oats you choose can make or break your creamy oatmeal dreams. While instant oats might seem like a convenient choice, they tend to turn mushy and lose their texture. Opt for old-fashioned rolled oats or steel-cut oats for a creamier, heartier consistency.

  • Old-Fashioned Rolled Oats: These oats are partially cooked and then flattened with large rollers. They retain a chewy texture and absorb liquid well, resulting in creamier oats.

  • Steel-Cut Oats: Made by chopping whole oat groats into small pieces, steel-cut oats take a bit longer to cook but offer a robust, nutty flavor and a creamier outcome. The extra time is well worth the wait.

2. Play with the Liquid Ratio: A Balancing Act

The next key to achieving creamy oat perfection is finding the right balance of liquid. Too much, and you'll end up with a soupy mess; too little, and your oats might resemble cement. Here's a general guideline to get you started:

  • Classic Ratio: For every 1 cup of oats, use 2 cups of liquid (water, milk, or a combination of both). Adjust based on your desired consistency.

  • Experiment with Milk: Swapping water for milk, whether it's dairy or plant-based, adds richness and creaminess. Coconut milk, almond milk, or even a decadent splash of cream can take your oats to the next level.

3. Use ground porridge (like Masago Creamy Sorghum Porridge)

Unlike using steel-cut or rolled oats, our ground porridge - which contains oats, chia seeds, flaxseeds, almonds & cashews - is the easiest and quickest way to make the creamiest porridge possible. Give it a try!


4. Incorporate Healthy Fats: A Silky Secret Weapon

Creaminess isn't just about liquid; it's also about the fats. Adding a touch of healthy fats can elevate your oats to new levels of silkiness. Try these additions:

  • Nut Butters: A spoonful of almond butter, peanut butter, or cashew butter not only adds richness but also introduces a delightful nutty flavor.

  • Coconut Oil: For a tropical twist, stir in a small amount of coconut oil. It adds a luscious, silky texture and pairs exceptionally well with fruity toppings.

  • Greek Yogurt: This protein-packed dairy delight not only contributes creaminess but also lends a pleasant tang. Swirl in a dollop just before serving.

5. Get Creative with Toppings: Texture and Flavor Explosion

Creamy oats are the canvas, and toppings are the brushstrokes that turn your breakfast into a masterpiece. Experiment with a variety of textures and flavors to keep things exciting:

  • Fresh Fruits: Sliced bananas, berries, and diced mangoes not only add sweetness but also a burst of freshness that contrasts beautifully with the creamy base.

  • Crunchy Nuts: Toasted almonds, walnuts, or pecans provide a satisfying crunch and a dose of healthy fats.

  • Dried Fruits: Raisins, chopped dates, or figs infuse a natural sweetness and chewy texture.

  • Seeds: Sprinkle flaxseeds, chia seeds, or pumpkin seeds for an extra nutrient boost and a delightful crunch.

  • Spices: Don't underestimate the power of spices. A dash of cinnamon, nutmeg, or a pinch of sea salt can enhance the overall flavor profile.

Incorporating these five tips into your oatmeal routine will undoubtedly transform your breakfast experience. Say goodbye to bland, lackluster oats and hello to a bowl of creamy goodness that will make your mornings feel like a warm hug. Whether you prefer classic toppings or want to get adventurous with exotic flavors, the key is to embrace the art of oatmeal customization. Your taste buds will thank you, and your mornings will never be the same again. Happy breakfasting!

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Masago Porridge

Masago Sorghum Superfood Porridge

Sold out

This is Masago Porridge, an ancient breakfast enjoyed in East Africa for thousands of years. Made from Sorghum – a highly sustainable, gluten free & anti-inflammatory grain combined with Chia Seeds, Flaxseeds, Almonds, Cashews & Oats and finely ground to create the gut friendly, low calorie & low GI superfood breakfast served by guides hiking Mount Kilimanjaro!



  1. Put 2 scoops of Masago Porridge into approx. 200ml of water and heat on the stove/microwave on high heat.
  2. Mix after each minute on heat.
  3. Heat for 3 minutes and mix until it thickens.
  4. Add 50ml of milk and 1 tbsp of yogurt (optional) and mix well.
  5. Top with honey or fruit to make the perfect porridge!
  6. Enjoy!
Only 50p per serving!

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